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1 John 5:10 

Whoever believes in the Son of God has the testimony in himself.

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A sister in Christ.

Thank you Jesus for the Gal220 Ministries Prayer Team who diligently sought God and stood in the gap when I was going through the oppressed times. Thank you all sisters who stood with me in this journey. Thank you and God bless!

Kolluri Navaneetha

Greetings to you all in the name of our saviour Jesus Christ.
I wanted to glorify the name of the Lord by sharing a small testimony. Though I am not worthy to utter His name, I want to thank God for His unending mercies and His unconditional love He has been showering upon us even in these tough situation of our lives we are facing today.
We have been going through many tests, trials and temptation in this sinful world. I surely believe that God uses our trials (which are from Satan) to build our faith and He drawer us more closer to Him. As our God is a miracolus great mighty God He has done many miracles in this moment of our lives.
One of my friend named Priya was suffering with Dengue fever. As She was very weak her platelets fell down to 30,000. She is a child of a single parent. Her mother tested covid positive.Though She has a brother He stays away from them although She is not a christian, she believed in JESUS CHRIST and She informed us to pray for their health.Then I shared this with few of my friends and we all gathered and prayed for their health. As the word of the lord says, "WHATEVER YOU ASK IN MY NAME I WILL DO SO THAT THE FATHER MAYBE GLORIFIED IN THE SON (John 14:13). We just asked for his will upon Her cause and God proved that there is nothing greater than his will. He proved it by healing Her health and now Her platelet rate increases to 1 lakh within a span of 24 hours. Just like the word of God mentioned before, as soon as we weeped in His presence He heard our prayers, wiped away our tears and Lord healed Her. He restored Priya from Her illness.
The other day, in our Gal220 Ministries bible study we discussed on healing the sick. At that time I got to know that sickness is an oppression from Satan. With this we know that God does miracles even today. When we ask Him He will give it to us. So, i request you all who are reading this testimony, not to get upset that God is not helping us because unless you ask nothing is going to happen. So atleast now seek him, ask him to forgive your sinful life and give his word of Salvation. Humble yourself infront of him and mighty things will be done. As He redeemed us from sin and death. Walk according to his will put all your burden upon him, as he gave is sinless life and shed his precious blood to save us from sins.





My Daughter’s Tailbone HEALED.
My daughter injured her tailbone while playing on a trampoline. For three weeks, we did pray asking and hoping. Medically, we watched her closely, as she was able to go to school, carry heavy items, even play without distress. The pain and tug was greatest when she sat and got up.

Today when she returned from school, she looked tired and said it was hurting so bad that she felt like throwing up. We both have been doing a study together on Spirit Soul Body from Gal220 Ministries for a few weeks now. I then decided it was a perfect opportunity to minister the works of Healing to her and teach her how to minister healing for herself from a spirit soul body point of view. I also proceeded to call up the doctor to see if they had any tips for relief and other medical concerns. The nurse advised that she be seen. I booked an appointment for the next day.

I then took her to her room to examine the area of pain. Physically there were no alarming signs of swelling or redness. I explained to her that Healing flowed from her spirit, His Spirit that bears witness with hers (Romans 8:16). The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God (Romans 8:16). For Jesus healed through the Spirit, as His Words were Spirit and Life (John 6:63) . It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh profits nothing. The words that I speak to you are spirit, and they are life (John 6:63). The Word is the only thing that can pierce through from the spirit through the soul to the body to the marrows (Hebrews 4:12). For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart (Hebrews 4:12).

Interesting that the word says it pierces through to the marrows. Marrow is where our blood is manufactured and also where our immune system is factored. Inside the marrows are our life giving blood and white cells manufactured and released out to our organs, and body. So His Word is quick and powerful to deliver its Life all the way through to our physical being.

I asked her if she knew a Word that can help heal her, and let the healing flow. She wasn’t sure but only that God is the healer. I then proceeded to pray for her urging her to pray after me in agreement. I explained praying in agreement means we have to agree on the Truth of the Word of healing upon her. So she and I prayed one after the other.

Surprising myself I asked her if she had received her healing; I never asked that question with anyone I had prayed with before. To my amazement, she leapt from the bed and remarked, she had no soreness. She went and checked sitting and getting up and there was no pain or soreness. It was gone!! The Pain was gone!!
I asked her to go back to the word and find the Truth of her healing and ask Him how did God accomplish this in her. I did not give her a word or any directions. She found 1 Peter 2:24 and Isaiah 53:5. Who Himself bore our sins in His own body on the tree, that we, having died to sins, might live for righteousness—by whose stripes you were healed (1 Peter 2:24). But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities; The
chastisement for our peace was upon Him, And by His stripes we are healed (Isaiah 53:5). She meditated on them. I am surprised at how she found those scriptures. BY HIS STRIPES she received her healing that was done years ago for the word was swift and powerful in healing her that day!

I proceeded to keep enquiring with her if she had any pain throughout the evening. For which she responded, “Ye of little faith, why do you keep asking”. Oh yes, I did cancel that appointment the next day.

UPDATE : Few days later, She did experience pain at times especially when she sat in a car. Pain was mild during those moments. I explained to her that God doesn’t stand in condemnation if she seeked medical attention. She asked if this was contrary to God’s Healing. I explained that God’s Word is like taking a strong powerful medicine that is complete, with NO side effects and Human medical attention is like taking a medication that is of lesser strength that does not completely heal but continues to sustain and help you cope. Healing is from Him and within you, both spiritually and physically. Jesus is the Will of God in action. Healing is in His will, not just after we die but here and now as Jesus proved His good and pleasing perfect Will with his actions.

When God said, he will never forsake us nor leave us, he meant it and will abide by us wherever we are in faith. Now that He has given her His Word, I asked that she take it as medicine. Go and seek His word over the pain when it occurs just as she would with medicine. Experience the Truth for herself and walk in faith. She experienced that immediate Healing that day from pain and continues to walk in faith acknowledging the power and truth from His Word.

Note: There is no one set way of praying for healing. The only right way of prayer is that our faith and heart seeks Him and His Word even through tears and pain. He hears you and will never leave nor forsake you. For He is Faithful.

Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need (Hebrews 4:16).
For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind (2 Timothy 1:17)

Believer J

Gal220Ministries' study on "Our Born Identity" changed my walk with God. The subsequent studies got me closer to God. Gal220Ministries is a blessing to me and is a blessing to be a blessing to all. Praise God!

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