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Two White Trucks

It was a normal drive I took every week . Three freeways, no stops … and I was at my destination. While traveling on the first freeway, I saw an enormous white truck with no printing or marking of any kind on it. As I passed the giant on wheels, I sensed the words, “That is your past.” As I proceeded, I kept looking in my rearview mirror until it was totally out of sight.

I made a 90-degree curve onto the next freeway and noticed there was not a vehicle in sight - no one following, no one merging on my right and no one in front of me. Again, I sensed these words, “You have a destination in your future, even if sometimes you need to travel alone. I finally reached the place to which I was headed and didn’t think about it anymore until two weeks later.

Again, I was on my weekly drive when I approached a huge whilte truck with the following stencilling on its back doors, “Allshred Services'' and “Secure Shredding Solutions.” Unlike the truck two weeks ago, this one kept up with the speed limit and so I did not pass it, but rather followed it. The first curve found both of us proceeding until I needed to get off to the third freeway and saw it continue on until it was out of my sight.

After allowing both scenarios to simmer and expand their meaning, this is what I saw in the imagination of my mind. I was back on the first freeway, but signaled the while truck to pull over. I ran to the back doors, opened them, and out jumped a teenage boy. He quickly grabbed my keys, slid into the driver’s seat and motioned me in. He turned the radio on, pushed the volume to its peak and moved violently to keep up with the beat. He proceeded to a fast food place, pulled food from a bag and stuffed its entire contents into his mouth. He threw the packaging into the back seat to join all the rest of the smelly garbage that had been there for weeks. I couldn’t take any more, so I grabbed the keys and returned to the truck. I opened the back doors, looking inside and found it to be empty. As I turned around to look at my captor, he was gone.

The whole sequence of events is absolutely ludadrice. That would never happen in the physical world, but unfortunately, it happens countless times in the mind and emotional one. Have you ever experienced guilt, regret or shame for something you had done or said, and just the thought of it created panic and anxiety - the need to go out and buy something, drink, smoke or eat? What happened is that you went back to the white truck and opened a door, just waiting for a memory to consume you. How many programs have you followed to make it go away, only to discover it was still there to destroy you?

God has provided a way of escape. When we have surrendered our lives to Him, He has filled us with the fullness of His Son. Then when the mental onslaughts try to destroy us, He says that “we are to lead every thought and purpose away captive INTO the obedience OF Christ, the Messiah, the Anointed One.” 2 Corinthians 10:5. I can’t tell you how many times I have reached into my back pocket, pulled out handcuffs and put them on the thoughts that plagued me, taken them to the cross and reminded them that God disarmed the principalities and powers ranged against me and made a bold display and public example of them, in triumphing over them IN Him and IN it (the cross). Colossians 2:15.

What happens is that we try to pay for our past, but our own efforts are futile. There is only One that could destroy our sin, the same One Who destroyed the works of the enemy on the cross. Our thoughts need to be brought INTO the obedience OF CHRIST, not our own. Jesus died for all sin, but the ones of which the enemy keeps reminding us, need to be brought to the cross by us. Not that they are still alive, but that they have already been destroyed. Jesus won the war, but we live in this world that suffers sin, sickness and death. The voice of the enemy in our heads continually reminds us of our past. We have to continually remind him as often that they are gone.

The truth is that Jesus has “Allshreded” our sins. He is our “Secure Shredding Solution”. The forces of darkness, and we ourselves, need to be constantly reminded of that. The white truck is empty - just like the tomb on that Resurrection Day. There are no accusations, no condemnation. Romans 8:1

Father, remind us that Your words are true. Jesus died for and removed our sins.

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