Jesus Christ is the only one who did not need prayers; apart from him everyone and anyone else needs prayer. Yet, Jesus gave the outmost importance to his One on One time with the Father, which I believe was His prayer time. We learn in Luke 11 that, when the disciples asked Jesus to teach them how to pray , His response was instantaneous . The Lord’s Prayer was Jesus’s response to something that mattered to the disciples . I believe, the Lords Prayer was a guideline or framework articulating how to pray. Someone once said, "Worry is a Conversation You have with Yourself about things You cannot Change While Prayer is a Conversation You have with God about things He Can Change". Since it’s a conversation with God your father , you can pour your heart , make it genuine and personalize it.
Often sitting in the presence of the Lord , I sometime find myself asking God - how should I pray? What words to chose and whom to pray for?.A few weeks ago, I felt a burden in my heart to pray for the youth or rather, the younger generation . I did not know what to pray and how to pray . I was once again reminded of how the Lord taught his disciples to pray . I asked Him Teach me to pray, Like How you taught your disciples . One very early morning, before day break as I sat to pray, the Lord inspired me to pen down this prayer for the next generation ( rather the youth ) . I was overwhelmed by how the Lord can teach you to pray if you would only ask! This prayer is not something I felt it had to be repeated as ritual, but it just reminded me that it was a guideline . It was beautiful and it echoed just exactly all what I had to say. The first thing He asked me was to read The book of Colossians and here it goes:
Dear Lord ,
May our young generation ( children) be encouraged in heart and United in love, that they may have full riches of the complete understanding of Christ, in whom is hidden the treasures of Wisdom and understanding .Let them continue to live in you , built up by you and strengthened by the faith that you continuously will deposit in them , so that they will be overflowing with gratitude
Let none other than Christ take captivity of them through hollow and deceptive philosophy which depend on human tradition and the basic principles of the world If they are dead in sin , make them alive in you Christ . Forgive them all their sins and release them for all cord binding them . Disarm the power and authority that are not from you and make it a public spectacle through the cross
Let them not delight in false humility and let their minds not be puffed up with idle notions and be unspiritual . Let them set their eyes on things above and not earthly . When Christ appears let’s them and their generation appear in glory . God put to death whatever belongs to earthly nature , sexual immorality, lust, evil desires , greed and idolatory . Let them get rid of anger , rage , malice , slander , and filthy language . Let them always be renewed in Christ . Let them be clothed with compassion , kindness , humility, gentleness and patience .
Teach them to bear with one another and forget grievances against each other . Put on the garment of love and bind them . Let the peace of Christ rule their heart, let the word of God dwell in their heart Richly. Let them always sing psalms hymn and spiritual songs with gratitude in their heart.
Whatever they do in word or deed , let it be to bring glory to you and be done for you .let them be wise in the way they act outwards , make the very most of every oppurtunity to be the light of Jesus .
Let their conversations always be seasoned with salt and full of Grace that they may know how to answer those who ask of of their faith
Thank you Jesus
If something matters to you, then it matters to Jesus. To me it was how he gave me even the words to be used so that my burden was held . The Bible reminded, me again - Ask and You shall receive. Knock and you shall find .
Let me encourage you today by telling you that Prayer is key to a fulfilling relationship with God. If you hem your day with prayer, it would not unravel . But even if you don’t feel like praying or do not know how to pray , be vulnerable ask Jesus . He will answer because He has promised us to never forsake us at any point in our life .
Thank you Cereen for reminding us to hold our younger generation in our prayer.