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She Did a Lovely Thing!

Mark 14:13 And being in Bethany at the house of Simon the leper, as He sat at the table, a woman came having an alabaster flask of very costly oil of spikenard. Then she broke the flask and poured it on His head.

Mark does not reveal to us the name of this woman who decided to lavish extravagant love on Jesus in the last days leading to His crucifixion. As the Scriptures suggest, the oil in the jar was made with rare and expensive ingredients. What prompted her to walk up to Jesus in this crowded dinner party that likely had more men than women attending? Surely Jesus touched her life in some manner that impacted her so much that she decided to make this public demonstration of love for Him. He is worthy of all the adoration and worship. She could have passed this jar to Jesus or to a servant to anoint Him instead she chose to anoint Jesus herself with her very best.

Mark 14:4-5 But there were some who were indignant among themselves, and said, "Why was this fragrant oil wasted? 5 For it might have been sold for more than three hundred denarii and given to the poor." And they criticized her sharply.

The dinner was taking place in the house of Simon the leper who very likely was healed by Jesus at some point in His ministry. This house was filled with believers and included the disciples of Jesus. Yet, strangely they failed to see her heart behind the worship of Jesus. They were pragmatic and practical in their reaction "Why waste something so precious and not put it to good us?" Mark writes that they were indignant which indicates a strong emotion of displeasure. Some of these men who rebuked this woman could have been the disciples of Jesus. They felt something cheaper could have been used and they criticized her sharply. Their pragmatism blinded their eyes from seeing the extravagant worship of the Lord in their very midst.

Mark 14:6-8 But Jesus said, "Let her alone. Why do you trouble her? She has done a good work for Me. 7 For you have the poor with you always, and whenever you wish you may do them good; but Me you do not have always. 8 She has done what she could. She has come beforehand to anoint My body for burial.

This woman did not defend herself, but Jesus came to her defense quickly. Instead of agreeing with the crowd, Jesus commended her and said that she had done a "good work" for Him. The good here does not just mean a good deed but a "lovely, admirable and excellent thing." It was customary to give to the poor the day before Passover but such demonstration of love was unique and Jesus say she did what she could. She seized the right opportunity to demonstrate her faith and love in the best way she could. She witnessed for Jesus through her actions without giving regard to her surroundings or potential criticism.

Mark 14:9 Assuredly, I say to you, wherever this gospel is preached in the whole world, what this woman has done will also be told as a memorial to her."

What this woman did, Jesus honored, recognized and rewarded! He said the the witness of her devotion and faith will be told as a memorial to her to the whole world wherever the gospel is preached! What Jesus prophesized has indeed come to pass. Even to this day in 2022, the story of this woman is read and continues to teach us valuable timeless lessons that we can apply in our lives:

  • JESUS IS WORTHY OF YOUR VERY BEST. He is worth all you have because He has paid the ransom for you. Yet, He does not demand but desires your attention and love. Jesus calls that response of love a LOVELY THING!

  • YOU HAVE TO GIVE HIM YOUR BEST. Do not pass your responsibility to someone else, church or family. He wants to have relationship with you individually first and your response to His love, He calls it a LOVELY THING!

  • CRITICS WILL ALWAYS BE THERE. There will always be people who will question your sacrifices and love for Jesus. Criticism is a smokescreen to for the fact that they do not do anything. Instead they will challenge your intentions. They question your sacrifice of finances, career, pleasure, popularity, position, promotion, security, comfort, prestige among other things. Critics have nothing to offer you, but when you make sacrifices for Him, He calls what you do a LOVELY & EXCELLENT THING!

  • CIRITICS DO NO VALUE YOUR COMMITMENT. There will always be those who may think you have gone too far this time! They may not value your commitment and opine that something lesser or cheaper should suffice. Jesus deserves your total commitment; He values and honors what you do and calls it a LOVELY THING!

  • DO NO MISS THE OPPORTUNITY. Serve Jesus with all your heart today. Do not push it away for tomorrow or after kids go to college or retirement. There is no time like today. The woman seized the opportunity and did not wait for the next best time. When you serve Jesus with your time, treasure and talents, He calls what you do a LOVELY & EXCELLENT THING!

Endeavor to keep an eternal perspective on all that you do. Leave a legacy of faith, worship and lifestyle that witnesses the Christ in you. Christ memorialized the faith and action of love of this woman and He will do the same for every believer who will sacrifice for Him. The LOVELY AND EXCELLENT thing you have done for Him, Jesus will memorialize and it shall be told as a memorial for generations.

This is my pursuit and prayer for us all In Jesus name. Celebrating the Risen Lord. Amen.

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