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LIFE IN PICTURES - Pennies vs. Power

Acts 3:1-9 relates the story of a man, crippled from birth, who was laid at the Gate Beautiful of the Temple daily in hopes of collecting coins from worshippers. It was 3 o’clock in the afternoon, and he probably hung his head downward to keep his eyes shadowed from the sun, constantly looking at the few metal pieces in his cup. He was probably more familiar with the style of people’s sandals than their faces.

The man caught the attention of Peter and John. Peter told him to look up at them and said, silver and gold, I have none; but what I do have, that I give to you: in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk! Then he took hold of the man’s right hand with a firm grip and raised him up, and at once his feet and ankle bones became strong and steady, and leaping forth he stood and began to walk, and he went into the temple with them, walking and leaping and praising God.

Spiritually, this is not just a story about a man who lived 2,000 years ago. It’s a scenario played out in our own lives often. We find ourselves sitting in states of immobility because of emotional distress, financial crunches, relational stalemates, physical challenges, fear of the future, and hopelessness, never escaping into a world of joy, fulfillment of dreams, and security. We look down at our cups of hope only to discover just a pittance of pennies put there by hearts of pity. What a sad state of affairs. Our future is no brighter than the shadows other people create with their sadness and sometimes disgust.

This man was over 40 years old and had experienced continual frustration and pain of never being like everyone else around him. The first thing Peter said to him was, Look Up! He had been so used to looking down, but in compliance with Peter’s command, he did just that, even if it meant looking toward the sun in the middle of the day. Peter told him that he was not going to give him what he thought he wanted, but instead gave him what he needed - healing his withered limbs that had never held the weight of his body, strength, and mobility.

What would happen if we heard the same words - Look Up? Don’t look at your despair and your own abilities or lack of them. Take My hand, and let Me lift you up into a world that you have never experienced before. What if that new place consisted of love, peace, joy, security, hope, and strength of mind that is foreign to you? What if God knew what you needed and gave it to you freely instead of what you wanted, that would be here today and gone tomorrow?

God comes to us in different ways. Life is not just cookie-cutter experiences. For this man, he was told to look up, and know that it was certainly not Peter or John, but in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, he received his healing. Every new birth and continued life experience includes this truth. It is not by man, but only in the name of Jesus, Christ, that we are born into that new life one time, and continued daily, living experiences. Ephesians 2:8 says For it is by free grace that you are saved through your faith. And this is not of yourselves - of your own doing, it came not through your own striving - but it is the gift of God.

Father, may we hear those words, Look Up, see Your outstretched hand and respond without hesitation, knowing that You will give us what we need, not just what we think we want. what we need, not just what we think we want.

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