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Karen Mielke

Life in Pictures: Coffee Pots and Mugs (by Karen Mielke)

Sometimes the most familiar items and practices can teach us the deepest truths in the

spiritual realm. How many mugs of coffee do you drink in a day?

When we believe and receive all that Jesus did for us, our spirits are secure in Him, but we are left with our bodies and souls to mature and bring under subjection. Let your mind stretch and imagine that you are a coffee mug waiting to be filled with your favorite brew. There you are, placed on a table with four individuals holding coffee pots above you. One is God, the second is Satan, the third represents people in your life, and the fourth is yourself.

Our mugs are always full and overflowing - so much that the fluid flows onto a saucer underneath. God fills us with Himself - love, peace and joy; while Satan pours in thoughts of fear, doubt and guilt. What others contribute are blame and control. And then what we pour in ourselves is an endless list, including regrets and depression. It not only fills our own cup to the brim, but it also spills over onto everyone around us.

Every drop of fluid and thought our minds think affects every cell in our bodies. So, from whose coffee pot are you filled and overflowing?

  • God’s - Num. 23:19, God is not a man that He should tell or act a lie

  • Satan’s - John 8:44, Satan does not stand in the truth because there is no truth in him

  • Other’s - A combination of positive and negative depending on the circumstances

  • Ourselves - A combination of positive and negative depending on our emotions

There is an unwritten code we use when in a restaurant. We raise our cups to signal the wait staff we need more coffee, and when we don’t want anymore, we place our hands over our cups to silently convey we’ve had enough. We can do the same with our imaginary mugs. We are not held to the mercy of the ones eager to fill our drinking vessels. We can choose which ones we prefer.

I like my coffee hot, black and strong, but not bitter. It is not just a drink - it is an experience. Coffee may not be your choice of beverage, but there is something in life that you savor with more than just your taste buds. It is not just mundane, but a joy to treasure and fills you to the brim, overflowing to others.

Psalm 34:8 says, O taste and see that the Lord God is good.

Bon Appetit!

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Oct 12, 2020

A lovely explanation using the coffee mug and pot! A thought to ponder over for each new day's beginning and even throughout the day, Karen! Thank you so much!

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