For several years I worked in an emergency room and saw the need for making quick

crucial decisions. Assumptions are not made with certainty until tests are taken and results are determined. The following is a typical story that frequently plays out in emergency rooms.
Two patients are wheeled into the examination area side by side. Their heads are bowed down from lack of strength and need help getting into bed. IV’s and blood tests are ordered and extra care is given as though the conditions could mean life or death. Even though they present exactly the same way, it turns out that one patient has a very low glucose level and the other very high.
Before long, nurses come with medication in hand, administering to each patient as needed and before the day is over both patients walk out of the hospital on their own power. They were both deathly ill, but because the right medications were given to the right person they were both healed. Had the meds been switched and given to the wrong patient, they could have both died, leaving the hospital a different way.
Have you ever heard words from others like “You will never amount to anything,” or words that came from your own thoughts like “I am not enough?” Proverbs 18:21 says, “Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and they who indulge it shall eat the fruit of it (for death or life).” Sometimes we feast on the fruit of death so much, we become sick.
When the negative words continue to corrode our very being, we try to make them go away by thinking good things. Positive thinking is like hoping a bag of saline solution will take them away, but it just doesn’t. We need medication that is stronger than our disease.

Like the patients in ER, all God asks is that we surrender to His help. He doesn’t need to run tests because He already knows what our sickness is. Not only does He know the diagnosis, but He and His words are the medication we need for healing. Trusting Him is not always easy.
We may need to experience the prick of a needle for us to receive His words of correction of tough love, but the end result is that we will get up off the sick bed and begin to walk in freedom. Father, help us to admit we need help, receive the truth about our present condition and diagnosis along with the medication we need that You give freely.